My father was a schizophrenic, this is more or less all I knew of him. I believe he was diagnosed when I was about 6 or 7 he must have been in his early 30s. I found out later that he exhibited signs of 'odd' behaviours long before this. Mental health issues were not really talked about then, my mother had to almost beg the doctors to tell her what was happening to her husband, she was also asked by a nurse if 'madness ran in the family' (thankfully it does). Attitudes were different then. I am not sure what impact it all had on me at the time, looking back I was quite a popular kid, bright and I think I made people laugh. Stuff just becomes your normal and it was only later with some perspective that I knew a lot of what was going on was not quite right and it started to cause me some problems. I did eventually address a lot of issues in my mid 30s, I still do however still look for a deeper understanding of my dad's condition and tend to be interested in all thin...